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Transitioning from Founder-Led Sales (w/Roi Ravhon, Co-Founder and CEO at Finout)

Captivate Talent
July 17, 2024
5 min read
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  • Roi Ravhon, Co-Founder & CEO @ Finout—Roi is the co-founder and CEO of Finout, a leading FinOps platform designed to optimize cloud expenditure and allocate costs across various cloud services.

    Founded in 2021, Finout has quickly become an essential tool for enterprises managing complex cloud environments.

Topics Covered:

  • Identifying the right time to transition—what trigger points to look for and when is the right time to move on from founder-led sales?
  • Hiring the right sales talent—what traits and skills should you look for when hiring your first sales leader? How do you screen for the right fit?
  • Building a scalable sales process—how do you successfully hand off sales from the founder to a new sales leader? What benchmarks should you set for the new leader?

Three key lessons:

  1. Timing the transition from founder-led sales to hiring a dedicated sales leader is crucial, but there's no one-size-fits-all approach. The key is identifying when you need more sales expertise to take your company to the next level of growth, especially when expanding into new markets.
  2. When hiring your first sales leader, prioritize finding someone who is a cultural fit, shares your vision, and has a builder's mentality to roll up their sleeves. Chemistry and trust are critical, as you'll need to work extremely closely with this person during the transition. Don't just hire an executor of strategy.
  3. Building a scalable sales process requires extensive collaboration between the founder(s) and new sales leader. Spend significant time together understanding the market, iterating on the sales playbook, and designing the appropriate team structure. Don't just hand off and walk away - the sales leader should drive, but with substantial founder input.


As a startup founder, one of the biggest milestones is transitioning from being the sole sales leader to building out a dedicated sales organization. It's a critical juncture that can make or break a company's ability to scale. 

One startup that has successfully navigated the transition recently is Finout, a leading FinOps platform. Finout has grown 9x over the past year, signing significant clients such as Lyft, The New York Times, and SiriusXM. 

A big part of this growth can be attributed to successfully transitioning from founder-led sales. 

We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Roi Ravhon, Co-founder and CEO of Finout, to learn from his experiences throughout this transition.

Identifying the right time to transition

There's no universal playbook for when to hire your first dedicated sales rep or leader, but there are some key indicators. For Roi and his team, they realized they needed sales expertise when their innovative product started gaining traction outside of their original Israeli market. 

As he put it, "We were all engineering founders, so we never sold something before Finout. So having someone with us relatively early on was a decision that we made."

Another major signal was their aim to expand into the U.S. enterprise market. Roi admitted, "US corporate culture is not something that we, as Israelis, know well...we needed someone who could help us with that transition." Recognizing gaps in cultural understanding for a new market was critical.

Hiring the right sales talent  

Once the decision was made to build a sales team, finding the right leader became paramount. "The one thing that made this transition work is finding someone you really trust and is close to your beliefs," Roi advised. Cultural fit, shared vision, and ability to work hand-in-hand were priorities.

But Roi also emphasized seeking a builder's mentality over just strategic thinking too. As he put it, "We really value builders. People who roll up their sleeves, lead by example, prove themselves, then build a team." Given their early stage, execution had to come before complex planning.

Building a scalable sales process

With the right leader in place, the real work began - defining and iterating on their sales process for long-term scalability. Roi and his new VP of Sales spent "many hours talking about Finout, what we're selling, how we're selling, our differentiation. We continued to perfect it constantly."

This deep collaboration extended to structuring the team itself. As Roi described, "We're an early growth stage company, so P&L is king. We budget every month - who should we hire, what geographies, skillsets, seniority levels? The hiring plan is always an interesting discussion."

Throughout, Roi reiterated the importance of not outsourcing: "How to sell the product is something you need to understand...You need to spend hours breaking down customer feedback."


Transitioning from founder-led sales to building a scalable sales organization is equal parts art and science. There's no perfect roadmap, but Roi's experiences crystallize some core principles: Carefully identify transition points based on growth and gaps. Prioritize cultural fit and shared vision when hiring sales leaders, not just skills. And be prepared for extensive hands-on collaboration defining your sales process and structure. 

With the right people and mindsets in place, a startup can navigate this critical inflection point and continue scaling.


When is the right time to transition from founder-led sales to hiring a dedicated sales leader?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer, but some key times are when expanding into new markets that require deeper expertise, feeling out of your depth on sales strategy as the company scales, or struggling to balance founder sales duties with other priorities.

What are the key indicators that it's time to make this transition?

Signs included getting more customer traction but needing to access larger enterprise customers, as well as plans to expand internationally where they lacked cultural understanding, like in the U.S. market for an Israeli company.

What qualities and skills should I look for when hiring my first sales leader?  

Prioritize cultural fit, shared vision, and a builder's mentality to roll up their sleeves over just skills and strategy. Look for someone who can prove themselves by doing the work.

How closely should I plan to work with the new sales leader during the initial transition?

Plan to work extremely closely, spending many hours collaborating to understand the product differentiation, iterate on the sales process and playbook, and design the team structure together.

Should I hand off my existing sales playbook to the new leader or start fresh?

Neither - the sales leader should drive designing a new playbook through close collaboration, spending hours breaking down customer feedback to evolve the playbook collaboratively.

What tools, systems and processes can help ensure a smooth transition?

Recording sales calls to analyze jointly, establishing shared accountability for metrics, having the new leader experience the full sales cycle before ownership, and clearly defining roles/responsibilities.

How do I best integrate the new sales leader with my existing team and company culture?

Facilitate in-person interaction, respect cultural differences but work to bridge gaps, consider hiring support staff who can unite cultures, and ensure the leader understands your company's DNA.

Should the new leader take over all sales responsibilities immediately or is a transition period advised?

A clear cutoff is advised, with all sales functions reporting to the new VP immediately upon their start to avoid tension.

How involved should the sales leader be in designing the staffing plan and hiring for their team?

The sales leader should be very involved, with detailed discussions around budgeting, headcount, geographies, skillsets, and seniority levels for future hires.

What metrics should I use to evaluate the success of the new sales leader and team?

Use a numbers-driven approach looking at revenue, pipeline, deals closed, forecasting accuracy and other quantitative measures.


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